Support us

abcd is busy, active organisation. We exist without any external core funding. Most of our revenue comes from our members' subscriptions, project funding from Trusts and Foundations, and small surpluses made on our courses and events. As we emerge from the pandemic, in order to continue to grow and to fulfil our ambitions, we need your help. Any donation, however large or small, makes a difference.

Click to make a donation here

  • You can make a donation of any size online through the online giving site, Give as you Live.
  • You can make a credit or debit card payment (Mastercard or Visa). Just email Rachel Greaves or phone 01935 389482 and we can take your payment over the phone.
  • You can send a cheque (made payable to the Association of British Choral Directors) by post to us at 15 Granville Way, Sherborne, Dorset DT9 4AS.

Join us

  • abcd is the natural home for people who are passionate about choral music. Our members are at the heart of an amazing community, where composers, conductors, performers and publishers from every part of the choral world meet. Whatever your experience, abcd can help you to the next level. As a member, you are directly supporting our fantastic programme of encouragement and support for excellence in choral conducting across the UK and beyond.

    Click here to see more about the benefits of being a member, or join online now.

    Become a Friend

    By becoming a Friend we will be able to keep you up-to-date with abcd activity through our monthly e-bulletin, Leading Notes and other occasional mailings. Click here to join online now and pick 'Friend' from the drop-down list.

    Raise money whilst you shop via Give as you Live

    Raise money for abcd every time you shop online! When you shop at over 4,000 top stores, they will turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for us! Click here to sign up and start shopping.

    Gift Aid your donation

    If you are a UK taxpayer, Gift Aiding your donation or your membership means that for every £1 you give, we can claim an extra 25 pence from HM Revenue and Customs, which helps your donation to go further. You can download a Gift Aid form here or, if you make a donation online, you will be prompted about Gift Aid as part of the payment process.


    Leaving a gift in your will is a lasting way to help us continue our work in the future and help ensure a musical legacy for generations to come. For more information on leaving a legacy please get in touch with us.

    Gift Vouchers

    A variety of gift vouchers are available for the conductor in your life - whether you want to give them the gift of membership or help them pay for the cost of one of our courses, we have something for you! Vouchers are available for £20, £50 and £100, as well as for membership fees. Find out more here.

    Thank you for supporting our work!