Why join us? The detail.

Be part of our network of choir leaders

Our members represent around 2,000 choral groups and include teachers, composers, singers and students, leading choral singing of all kinds, as well as corporate members from music publishing, music tours and choral organisations.

Online resources

Access the members' area of our website for our exclusive video and written resources, covering practical tips and advice for choral leaders of all kinds. Get free access to our webinar library with a huge range of topics. Read the abcd Choral Research Journal, exclusively available to members for the first year of each issue. You can also access our online directory of members.

Member rates and discounts

Members pay reduced rates for abcd events and courses.

There are also discounts on sheet music:

musicroom.com discount

  • Claim 15% discount when shopping at Hal Leonard Europe's partner site musicroom.com

Advice and support

Support, resources and advice for all choral leaders and their choirs.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we lobbied hard for everyone involved in choirs for singing to be treated fairly and for collective singing to return to everyone's lives.

As as we get back to making music together, it's still vital to have a collective voice.


With live and online courses and events, there is something to suit everyone, wherever you live. We work with leading composers, conductors and music publishers to run singing days, workshops and masterclasses for you and your choir across the UK.

Find out about the latest event and courses here.

Quality training programmes

Our long standing choral conducting courses are designed to develop the individual. Experienced tutors work with your natural abilities and previous experience to enable you to develop your own gesture vocabulary and rehearsal technique. Training takes place in a supportive and encouraging environment. This individually tailored approach develops confidence and practical skills which can be used by those leading singing of any kind.

Specialist training and events for teachers and schools

Get them singing, keep them singing! A flexible range of courses for music teachers, covering conducting & vocal technique, repertoire and much more. Our online twilight courses are for everyone leading young voices in primary and secondary schools; all sessions are recorded for viewing at any time and you can book any combination of sessions. Find out more here.

Young conductors' programme

Reduced rate membership for anyone under 28! We run our Encouraging Young Vocal Leaders course for GCSE & A-Level students who have an interest in singing and one-day workshops and a residential summer course for anyone aged 18-25. Find out more here.

Find out more about all our training programmes here and click here for the current schedule.


Our tailored coaching service matches up members with conductors and tutors to work with you in a one-to-one setting, available across the UK. You can choose between regular coaching sessions, or just a one-off to work on a particular issue - whatever you feel you need.

Annual Convention

For nearly forty years, our Annual Convention has been the highlight of our calendar and a unique national forum for choral leaders to meet and network with leading composers, conductors and vocal experts from the UK and abroad, discover the latest choral repertoire and hear performances from invited international choirs.

How to join us

To take full advantage of what abcd can offer, why not join us? Click here to join online now.