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Association of Teachers of Singing
BBC Singers
Benslow Music Trust
British Association of Barbership Singers
British Choirs on the Net
The British Kodaly Academy
British Voice Association
Choir Schools Association
Cornwall International Male Choral Festival
Friday Afternoons Music
Friends of Cathedral Music
Gresham Centre
The King's Singers
Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers
Making Music
Music for Youth
National Association of Choirs
NYCoS (National Youth Choir of Scotland)
NYCGB (National Youth Choir of Great Britain)
Natural Voice Practitioners' Network
Royal College of Organists
Royal School of Church Music
Sing for Pleasure
Sing Ireland
Singing Network UK (formerly TONSIL)
Sing Up
Voices Foundation
Association of British Orchestras
Choir and Organ magazine
Drake Music
Incorporated Society of Musicians
PRS for Music
Music and the Deaf
Music Education Council
Music Mark
Music Teachers Association
Music Publishers Association
Help Musicians UK (Musicians Benevolent Fund)
Musicians' Union
Rhinegold Ltd
SAME (Scottish Association for Music Education)
Schools Music Association
Ty Cerdd
Youth Music
American Choral Directors Association
European Choral Association - Europa Cantat
IFCM (International Federation for Choral Music)