We are seeking a successor for our Musical Director, who will be retiring after many years of accomplished service.
The choir has been established for over fifty years and is approximately forty-five strong and growing, the membership comprising a blend of retired and serving police officers and members of the public. We sing four-part harmony and our repertoire includes traditional folk songs, pop classics, spirituals, sacred music and songs from musical theatre. We perform concerts throughout Somerset, South Gloucestershire and Bristol, approximately once a month, raising money for various charities. Our rehearsals take place on Monday evenings at the Police headquarters in Portishead.The post requires a person with a first-class knowledge of music and ideally with previous experience of leading a choir. Familiarity with the kind of music we sing would also be an asset, as would be a willingness to introduce and teach new music to the choir, the majority of whose members do not read music. That person should have good keyboard skills, show leadership and the ability to communicate, have a strong stage presence and an outgoing personality. The aim will always be to rehearse and perform to a high standard at concerts.
The holder of the post is self-employed and details will be revealed to applicants on enquiry. Applicants will be invited to attend a rehearsal and lead the choir in a number of pieces so that a mutual assessment may be made.
If you are interested in this role, you should contact the Secretary, Frank Edgeller, at fedge44@sky,com or by telephone on 07547 681451.