Musical Director
South West
Organisation: Glastonbury Male Voice Choir
The GMVC in Somerset are looking for a dynamic, energetic and experienced Musical Director to start in May/June 2025. The GMVC is a male voice, non-auditioned adult choir (TTBB) of around 45 experienced and enthusiastic singers. The choir has been in existence for over 100 years and continues to perform a wide variety of music; sacred. secular and modern. We aim to achieve high standards of performance and currently hold approximately ten concerts per year, all of which are accompanied by professional musicians and soloists. We also join in with a community Carol Concert in December.
Our home venue is Glastonbury, but we have also performed in other towns in the South West, performances have been in a variety of venues. We have rehearsal night on Tuesday of each week in Glastonbury from 07:30-09:30 pm.
We currently have an excellent accompanist who plays at rehearsals and concerts. Many of our concerts support a number of charities.
The ideal candidate will be enthusiastic, driven focused and have:
- an interest in exploring with the choir a variety of genres from medieval times to the present day.
- proven experience in choral conducting and a strong knowledge of vocal techniques and choral repertoire, be able to maintain high standards by encouraging and developing choir member’s vocal skills.
- proficient keyboard and vocal skills to assist in rehearsals for sectional work and also to audition new members for departmental allocation
- an interest in and experience of putting together appropriate and diverse repertoire that engages and challenges the choir and draws a sizeable audience.
- excellent communication and organisation skills and be prepared to work closely with the choir committee to support the programme and choir development.
- the ability to plan and communicate a rehearsal schedule for each concert.
- A good sense of humour and a positive motivational approach to rehearsals.
This is a paid, self-employed, position. Remuneration is in the range £6k-£7k per annum. The post would suit someone wishing to combine this with another job or role elsewhere.
The successful applicant must be able to take up the position by the beginning of June 2025.
Shortlisted applicants will be invited to take a section of a rehearsal following an interview.
Closing date for applications will be end of April 2025.
Subject to responses invitation to interviews will be May 2025.
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