As restrictions continue to be decreased, our risk management guidance resources remain there for reference. Every choir will have its own views on what mitigations are appropriate and when and how to end them and our guidance is intended to help everyone make the right decision for them.
All three documents are designed to be read in conjunction with each other:
Over the coming weeks, we'll be changing our guidance pages to reflect the ending of restrictions, whilst being aware that many choirs still wish to take precautions, and that we all can do useful things such as improving ventilation to help continue to keep our singers as safe as possible.
As part of your risk assessment planning, you should also read in full the latest guidance for your area - see our government guidance page for links to guidance for England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales
With restrictions being withdrawn across all four nations, the volume of reporting is unsurprisingly starting to drop, which means it is becoming increasingly difficult to report on trends in a meaningful way. Therefore, we are planning to withdraw the app from the Android and iOS stores and suspending the collection of data from 6 April. Over the next few weeks, we will be analysing the data and a final report will be published in due course. We will, however, reinstate WellRehearsed should the need arise again in future.
WellRehearsed has helped abcd and our colleagues at Making Music offer policy makers real-life evidence on the likelihood of Covid transmission in music groups, and help us keep our advice up-to-date. We also know that many music groups have found the live statistics helpful in giving a picture of the overall scene as groups returned to live rehearsals.
We're grateful to everyone across the amateur music scene who has reported on their rehearsals during the pandemic.
You can also find useful advice for choirs on making plans to return to singing on the Making Music website and on the ISM's website, both of which include advice for choirs in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Church choirs should also consult the RSCM's advice.
See our Government guidance page for links to the latest guidance for choirs of all kinds and ages.