33rd Annual Convention

Thursday 23rd August 2018

Leeds Beckett University

Book online here for the following events:

Pre-Convention Conducting Course 23-24 August

Main Convention 24-26 August

Young Conductors' Course 24-26 August

Orchestral Conductors' day 25 August (in partnership with Making Music)

Friday night dinner and barbershop

Inspiration and support for everyone leading singing, showcasing some of the best regional, national and international choirs

Click here for further details.

To book tickets for the gala concert only, click here.

How to book online

Your personal data from your booking will be stored securely by abcd and used by our staff and tutors for the purpose of administering this course/convention only. We will only pass details onto any third party that are essential for us to administer the course, such as booking accommodation for you or informing caterers of dietary needs. If you are not already a member of abcd, the data will be destroyed after one year unless you tell us you would like us to keep you informed about future courses and events. We will ask you about this separately. You can find out more about how we store and use your data and what your rights are in our privacy notice.

This love between us
A choral workshop with Bradford Festival Choral Society Beckfoot School, Bradford BD16 1EE, 10am - 7pm Bradford Festival Choral Society, in partnership with abcd, present a day's workshop on Reena Esmail's This love between us and Orff's Carmina Burana. This Love Between Us is a stunning piece by Indian-American composer Reena Esmail
Sat 8th Mar 2025>
Choral Conducting: An Introductory Guide Part Two
9am - 1pm, online Tutor: Amy Bebbington (find out more about Amy here). This half-day online course is for all those who want to learn about the foundations of choral leadership, and would suit those who have attended previous Choral Conducting: An Introductory Guide events. It will cover key topics such as: Independence of hand
Sat 22nd Mar 2025>
Sing Out! an upper voice singing day with Suzzie Vango
10am - 4.30pm, Lyttleton Theatre, Birmingham and Midlands Institute, 9 Margaret Street, Birmingham, B3 3BS We're delighted to be hosting our Midlands singing day in the heart of Birmingham with Suzzie Vango! Suzzie's successful career has taken her all over the UK and internationally, working with professional and amateur organisations,
Sat 29th Mar 2025>