Spring Webinars

Saturday 9th April 2022

Book now for our Spring webinars!

Next webinar: 9 April, Emotional Architecture with Eric Whitacre

All webinars take place on Saturdays from 11:00 - 12:30, unless otherwise stated.

There is a small fee of £5 for each webinar. A link to join the webinar will be emailed to all participants on Friday afternoon, before the webinar on Saturday morning. N.B. If you book on Friday evening, we will send you the link on Saturday morning.

All webinars will be recorded and a copy of this recording will be sent out to all participants who have booked, so you can choose whether to join us live or watch later at your leisure.

If you don't receive a link by 30 minutes before a webinar (it's worth checking your spam folder), do get in touch with us.

19 March, Re-Energise your School Singing! with Don Gillthorpe and Lizzie Leather

For many months now, students have only sung in small groups or classroom bubbles. As we emerge from stricter covid restrictions, it's wonderful that larger ensemble singing or whole-school singing is returning, but many of us are out of the habit of running these sessions. Join us for an interactive session sharing practical tips for engaging warm-ups and repertoire to re-energise your group ensemble singing! Our presenters - Don Gillthorpe, President of the Music Teacher's Association and Assistant Principal at Ripley St Thomas CE Academy, Lancaster - and Lizzie Leather - Choral Director at the Leeds Diocese Schools' Singing Programme - will share their experience and tried-and-tested ideas with you.

9 April, Emotional Architecture with Eric Whitacre

Join one of the most performed choral composers of our day as he offers a glimpse into "The Beautiful Mess: Masterclass in Composition and Creativity". Launched at the end of last year, this first course in his new Virtual School shares practical and artistic insights gained over more than thirty years making music. This session will look at the Emotional Architecture that's written into the music for the listener and performer, with the opportunity for a Q&A as well.

Grammy Award-winning composer and conductor Eric Whitacre is among today's most popular musicians. His works are programmed worldwide and his ground-breaking Virtual Choirs have united more than 100,000 singers from more than 145 countries. A graduate of the Juilliard School of Music, Eric is currently Visiting Composer at Pembroke College, Cambridge, and recently completed his second term as Artist in Residence with the Los Angeles Master Chorale.

Choral Conducting: An Introductory Guide Part Two
9am - 1pm, online Tutor: Amy Bebbington (find out more about Amy here). This half-day online course is for all those who want to learn about the foundations of choral leadership, and would suit those who have attended previous Choral Conducting: An Introductory Guide events. It will cover key topics such as: Independence of hand
Sat 22nd Mar 2025>
Sing Out! an upper voice singing day with Suzzie Vango
10am - 4.30pm, Lyttleton Theatre, Birmingham and Midlands Institute, 9 Margaret Street, Birmingham, B3 3BS We're delighted to be hosting our Midlands singing day in the heart of Birmingham with Suzzie Vango! Suzzie's successful career has taken her all over the UK and internationally, working with professional and amateur organisations,
Sat 29th Mar 2025>
Birmingham Conducting Weekend
5th and 6th April 2025, 9.30am - 4.30pm, Bramall Music Building, University of Birmingham, B15 2TT Tutors: Sarah Tenant-Flowers, Liz Garnett and Lucy Hollins Join us for our new weekend training course format - two days of practical conducting training, at two levels, Initial and Intermediate, including podium time for all participants.
Sat 5th Apr 2025 - Sun 6th Apr 2025>